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- Police behaving badly: In case you missed it, Whoopi began by acknowledging all the good police officers working hard every day in their jobs but said there are a select few bad ones getting all the press. They showed a video of a young man getting knocked out for allegedly smoking pot when he was only smoking a cigarette. Nicolle observed that it wouldn’t have been an appropriate police response even if he were smoking pot. She thinks this is why cops should wear GO PRO cameras to give evidence of the way they interact with the public. Rosie P agreed and said cameras would protect the good and the bad cops. Rosie O recalled the Rodney King case and said it was seeing that type of brutality and the imbalance of power in a video that called people to action. Rosie P said big brother is watching and now the public is big brother. Whoopi asked if perhaps there’s a flaw with the way we are choosing who should be police officers. Nicolle said a video such as this is heartbreaking for good cops to watch because it represents them badly to the world. Whoopi agreed and said the real hazard is that this paints an unfair picture of cops because there are so many good cops out there. She said the boneheads are getting all the attention.
- Creepy Parent Things We Do: The panel discussed some of the creepy things parents do, like keeping baby teeth and taking pictures of the first time a kid uses a potty. Nicolle raised her hand! Nicolle said the grossest thing she has done is save her son’s umbilical cord (which now smells like a fossil). David Carradene ate his kid’s placenta. Rosie O didn’t do that, but she did chew food for Parker and then fed it to him like a bird! Whoopi cringed at the thought. She acknowledged she only had one child for that very reason. And she added she doesn’t like to hold babies because all they do is sneeze on her. Rosie O’s child once threw up in her mouth! Rosie P said her cousin always picks up her child in order to smell his diaper. Rosie O said her older kids would do the “smell test” for her.
- Parents Fail Homework Test: Whoopi read a survey that stated that half of parents struggle with their own kids homework. Rosie P said it is the fault of our education system; it is antiquated and needs to be changed. She thinks it doesn’t teach critical or creative thinking. She also believes there should be a program to teach parents how to do homework with kids. She said the more you do with your child’s education, the more results you will see. Whoopi said she is severely dyslexic and couldn’t help her own child with her homework. Rosie P said it doesn’t work when we learn algebra just for a test. She said we have to learn it for a reason.
- Right to Die: Brittany Maynard (29) is planning her own death on November 1 surrounded by friends and family. She has a stage 4 brain tumor that will eventually take her life and she is relieved that she doesn’t have to die the way it has been described to her. Whoopi informed us that there are only five states in the U.S. that allow patients to choose when they would like to die when they are terminally ill. Rosie O recalled the documentary How to Die in Oregon which follows four different terminal patients in Oregon and their choices to die on their own terms. Rosie O is an advocate of dying with dignity. Her friend Jeannie’s husband did it. When he got to the very end of his illness and became confused, Jeannie said, “It’s time to fly,” and he took off his own oxygen mask. She thinks it is the humane thing to do to have control over your own death after your illness has made you completely lose control over your own life. Rosie P agreed but acknowledged she would have trouble if it were her loved one that made the choice to die. She admitted, “It would be hard for me to support it. She said despite the fact she is a “recovering Catholic” she still has a very spiritual, religious family. She said her beliefs are “still there.” Whoopi said leaving this Earth should be on our own terms when people are terminally ill. She said, “Our loss doesn’t compare to theirs.” Nicolle spoke about how closeted the issue is. She said end-of-life decisions are horrific for the family and for the person. And she said there is a lack of people to turn to who are willing to give neutral advice. Whoopi’s mother told her, if she “goes” but is not quite gone, to put her in the microwave! She did not want to linger if she’s wasn’t mentally there. Whoopi thinks it is important to leave end of life instructions to your family members because it will make life easier for your family. Rosie O had a friend (who was chubby) say,” Promise me you won’t pull the plug until I’m a size six!”
- Sex on Campus: A survey revealed that things are not that different today than when students’ parents were in college. It turns out over half of college-aged women surveyed were still virgins. Rosie P disclosed that she was a virgin when she started college, as was Rosie O. But Rosie P said she felt a ton of pressure to have sex. Nicolle flagged the story because it goes against what we are hearing about sexting, and she figured that more sex went along with more sexting. Whoopi said kids don’t have the same fears that were put in her. “If you get pregnant, you’ll be sent away.” She said girls who got pregnant were shunned once. Rosie P said they also held back having sex because of fear of AIDS.
Whoopi and Rosie P welcomed Rascal Flatts who have their first new album out in 2 years. The new album, Rewind, was a chance for them to lean on each other and rediscover each other and their music. They discussed their families, wrapping up their 6-month tour, and staying healthy on the road. Whoopi asked for the group to sing a little piece of the song they sing a cappella on the album and they laid it OUT in perfect harmony. Rosie P and Whoopi loved it and so did the audience. Rascal Flatts performed Payback off their new album Rewind.
Dan Bukatinski Rosie O and Nicolle are still traumatized that the Emmy award winner was killed on the TV show Scandal. But now he has a new show: Marry Me on NBC. It’s a modern comedy about a gay couple and their married adult daughter. He also has a book, Does this Baby Make me Look Straight? Confessions of a gay dad. He says he identifies with mothers. Nicolle said about parenting: There are no rules and you do the best you can because your heart’s turned to mush. And he is bringing back The Comeback on HBO.
Game time!
Homegoods Retail Therapy: Rosie P is a huge shopper and a bargain hunter and she took the cameras on a trip with her to Homegoods so she could buy gifts for everyone at The View studios! She brought back all the awesome gifts she found and gave them to the other hosts. The hosts had to guess the price of each item she purchased: whether it was higher or lower than the price shown.
Audience Gift: Everyone received a copy of Dan Bukatinski’s Does this Baby Make Me Look Straight, a copy of Rascal Flatts new CD Rewind and a $100 Homegoods gift card! SCORE!
Whoopi: [About cops] “The boneheads are getting a lot of attention.”
Nicolle: [About parenting] “There are no rules and you do the best you can because your heart has turned to mush.”
Rosie O: “It is the humane thing to do to have control over your own death after you have lost control over your life.”
Rosie P: “Big brother is watching and now the public is big brother.”
And that’s what you missed!