December 8, 2014

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Joining the ladies as the guest co-host for the day was Lara Spencer! 

British Invasion:  Prince William and Princess Kate are in New York City for the first time and have plans to do many things while on their trip to the city that never sleeps.  One of the things they’re going to do is see the Brooklyn Nets play the Cleveland CAVS at the Barclay (which had Rosie P cheering!!).   Rosie O said she can’t help and look at William and think of his late mother.  She thinks Diana would be so proud of him.  Nicolle loves William and Kate’s siblings and said if she was stuck on a desert island she’d pick Harry and Pippa to hang out with rather than William and Kate.  She thinks they’re probably the “wild ones.”  She loves this whole generation of royals and thinks they’re fun and “spicy.”    Whoopi said they’ve turned out so well partly due to their father Charles.  She thinks this may surprise some people because he can seem rather dull but she said he made sure to finish what Diana had started when it came to raising the boys.  Rosie O wanted to know if Charles and his mom ever sat around and discussed whether she was going to step down from being the Queen.  Whoopi thinks they may have discussed it in the past but she doesn’t think they discuss it anymore.  She thinks if the Queen passes, Charles will give the throne to his eldest son rather than become King himself, though he might want to be King for a couple days.


Weekend Wrapup:  Rosie O put up her tree this weekend and performed at the Cyndi Lauper benefit, Home for the Holidays which raises money for the True Colors Fund.  Her oldest children all went with her.  Her son Blake is a huge 50 Cent fan so she asked him if it was okay if she brought Blake backstage to meet him.  He graciously accepted.  Not only did he wish him a happy birthday but he got a picture with him too.  Rosie O said this act got her major mom points and she joked she now she doesn’t have to get him a Christmas gift for the next 4 years.  Rosie O mentioned a new artist named Liv Warfield, who Prince discovered on YouTube.  She absolutely loved her and so did the crowd!
Rosie P was in Chicago for the weekend for The Stars FAST Gala that raises money for The Foundation for Angelman Syndrome.  Colin Farrell’s son suffers from the disease and she went to support him.  She said it was a beautiful night.
Nicolle and her family went to the country to cut down a tree and she introduced her sister and her sister’s friend who were in the audience today.
Whoopi was at Disney over the weekend where she read The Christmas Story at a candlelight processional.  She had a great time and loves Disney but was a little disappointed that every ornament she saw was Frozen related.  She called it a little “kooky.”  Then she went to the Kennedy Center where they honored Al Green.  She said it was amazing.  The Kennedy Center Honors airs on December 30th on CBS.

Rolling Stone’s Retraction: Rolling Stone Magazine has apologized for their expose on an alleged gang rape at University of Virginia after several factual discrepancies came to light.  They first blamed the source but now they’re taking full responsibility for not doing their homework.  Rosie O thought it was a lack of journalistic integrity because the magazine didn’t contact the men accused in the article.  Lara said you have to do your fact-checking when you’re a reporter and she thinks it’s quite shocking that they did not fact-check the article.  Nicolle thinks there is premeditation of a journalistic lapse in this case.  She thinks the journalist clearly had an agenda because it only took The Washington Post reporter two phone calls to prove the story was wrong.  But she fears there’s a culture in journalism now that if you question the voracity of a sexual attack, you’re seen as sympathizing with the rapist.  Rosie P agreed with Nicolle and thinks the biggest tragedy is that real rape victims will now be afraid to come forward for fear that no one will believe them.  She hopes that the women who have been raped at UVA are not ignored now because of this incident.  Lara said that 60% of sexual assault cases go unreported.   Whoopi admitted that she’s gotten a lot of heat from people because she demands to have proof when she hears accusations of sexual assault.  But she explained that’s not because she doesn’t care about the victims.  She said she wants to “nail the S.O.B.”  She believes we owe it to ourselves, our sisters and our brothers who may be accused of these crimes to get the facts.  And she wants to get the people off the street who have done this.  Rosie P said in some instances there isn’t a lot of proof, it’s just the woman’s word against the perpetrator.  She is furious with Rolling Stone for being so irresponsible.  Nicolle said women’s groups are saying Rolling Stone just set back the cause of the silent rape victim by a decade.  Rosie O said she got a private message this weekend from one of the Bill Cosby accusers.  Rosie O explained how this woman reached out to her and that she’s an older woman, in her 70’s, who lives in the Southwest.  She has never come forward publicly and she knows for sure that at least one accusation against Bill Cosby is true.  Hers.  This woman wants nothing financially and she wants no attention.   Rosie O thinks it’s interesting that victims that do come forward are often seen as having an “alternate agenda.”  Whoopi said that sometimes women who come forward do have an alternate agenda.     Rosie P thinks there is an overall problem with the campus lifestyle and the way we are raising our boys.  Whoopi thinks it’s sometimes the young women who drink themselves into a stupor.  She advised women to not put themselves into a position to get taken advantage of.  Rosie O’s mentioned how her son goes to Hofstra and there are alarm buttons every 50 feet.  Students can press an alarm if they are having an emergency and or if they need a safe walk home.

Rosie O Don’t Twerk:  Rosie O had to promise her teens that she wouldn’t twerk at the Cyndi Lauper Home for the Holidays concert this past Saturday.   Apparently, they were still emotionally scarred from last year.

Hire a Jerk: Whoopi said you can now hire someone to complain for you if you cannot stand up for yourself.  Nicolle said she can easily stand up for herself on an airplane especially if they’re telling her 3-year-old to keep it down.  Rosie P said she has no problem telling people off on the phone.  But if there’s ever a time she cannot speak her mind she will call her sister Carmen to do it for her!  Whoopi doesn’t want to hear if you’re a cable guy and you’re bored with your job.  She pays a lot of money to have cable and she wants the job done.  Rosie O has a problem with robo-calls and she has absolutely no problem telling off telemarketers.  Just then Mario Cantone surprised the ladies with a floral arrangement!  He said for a great way to spread holiday joy try, homemade for the holidays. 

The Cast of Downton Abbey:  The cast of Downton Abbey joined Rosie O and Rosie P who are HUGE fans of the show!  The Rosies were both so excited to sit with the cast and ask them all sorts of questions about their characters on the show.  They asked if it was true that George Clooney was coming to Downton Abbey, but the cast said George appeared “in the show” for a charity sketch, not actually on the show itself.  They mentioned some of the huge guest stars they’ve had like Shirley MacLaine and Maggie Smith.  The Rosies tried desperately to get the cast to spill some of the show’s secrets or to elaborate on questions surrounding the plot, but they wouldn’t budge.  They said their lips are sealed!  They joked with the actor who plays Thomas on the show about how much they hate his character and wondered if he ever played a role where he isn’t a terrible person!  The cast said they don’t always know what will happen to their characters during a season and instead, they find out as they go along.


Whoopi, Nicolle and Lara sat with the cast and played “Getting Gabby with Downton Abbey” where they asked the cast a series of questions and they had to say which one of them was the correct answer.   They discussed how pleased they were that the show is so popular and that they’re now beginning to film Season 6!  Whoopi asked if there are any black people being added to the show because she told them she wants a part!

Audience Gift: Everyone in the studio audience got a $100 gift card to and Seasons 1-4 of Downton Abbey.


Take a little time and enjoy The View!  


Written by Kelly Weist
KidRo Productions