Ask Rosie

Lynn writes: May 1, 2020 10:01 pm Hi Ro, do you know Nick Cordero? I’ve been following his battle with Covid - so sad. He has a baby at home that needs him #wakeupnick yes tragic
praying for him
Juli writes: May 1, 2020 10:00 pm Did you go to high school with Brian Kilmeade from fox news? no
COVID19 no joke writes: May 1, 2020 10:00 pm my great nephew who works in hospital in mi had covid, his room mate had it. theyre young & both recovered. nieces grandfather died from it in ohio nursing home. flight attendant friend (based in NY) tested neg but believes he had it. tired like never before, bad cough. he knows many ppl that had it and at least one that died. its overwhelming.
Tim Miller writes: May 1, 2020 9:59 pm With Seth Meyers you mentioned that on your visit to Michael Cohen you met someone who was in prison following some AIDS fraud involving Liza Minnelli's 60th birthday party. Since time is hanging heavy right now and nobody listens to my advice about handing the pandemic, I thought I'd try to find who the person was who was convicted of the fraud. I forgot his name but he did a bike ride I believe
was in florida
and was convicted of embezzling

he had a long sentence
gia writes: May 1, 2020 9:58 pm Can't we as women start a movement to have a woman for presidential candidate? I'm sick of these two white men who are predators. Nancy Pelosi, wake-up, have a brokered convention. At least if not a woman, how about Cuomo?
Greg writes: May 1, 2020 9:58 pm fell in my garden a week ago but did not go to doctor~~to afraid of CV but finally went to urgent care Monday with serious staff infection in my leg/shin~~ on a triple dose of Horse pill antibiotics and leg is slowly getting better.. Nurses and Dr's could not have been nicer~ i asked one Dr about when the antibody test's, she just agreed yes when I understand
Picka materina writes: May 1, 2020 9:58 pm Sometimes I wonder what could have been if u did not interviewed her.. Maybe she would never quit Friends, maybe she would never end up doing the Hours and maybe that Oscar would go to Hallie Berry.. And maybe you would still host TROS instead of Whoopi. I hate TWGS. her who
jamicherry writes: May 1, 2020 9:57 pm Im a 911 dispatcher. Just returning to work after a long maternity leave. My anxiety running high. First call of my first day back was a hanging. People are suffering out there. Essential workers are suffering. Every call from my career came flooding back like an internal bleed inside my heart with no way to be healed. we get no closure. the voices so sorry

front line workers
they pay a high price

Dustin writes: May 1, 2020 9:56 pm I wrote a poem about you—what you meant to me as a queer kid. (It sounds sentimental and schmaltzy put like that, but how else to put it? I wrote a poem about you—what you meant to all the queer of us.) I posted it to share it, for you to read: Thank you for being you. You helped me be me. dustin
so beautiful
thank u for ur words
ur a great poet

Marge writes: May 1, 2020 9:55 pm OMG crying. Just watched Secret Love. Did u meet Terry Donahue and Pat Henschel when filming A League of Their Own? no

but met many women like them
Olga writes: May 1, 2020 9:50 pm Okay, fine with Mika questioning Biden, would have been nice if she would have done the same with Trump, instead of fawning and giving him all the free airtime!!
debbie kyle writes: May 1, 2020 9:50 pm Cohen going back to prison. I am scared for him. Clearly Rump has no problem killing people off.
vicki writes: May 1, 2020 9:49 pm YAY FOR CANADA!!!! They banned assault style weapons. Just shows who owns the repub party here. What a disgrace they are and become more so everyday!
Alan Jay Kahm writes: May 1, 2020 9:49 pm Bottomline: Michael Flynn plead Guilty and President Lummox is going to Pardon him.
Ginny from Canada writes: May 1, 2020 9:49 pm Canada’s prime minister just announced banning of assault style military weapons in Canada - proud Canadian. Will US every follow suit - not likely which is sad!!!