Ask Rosie

Mark Belford writes: May 12, 2017 11:20 am Love you Ro! You are an intelligent, strong, kind woman! sending you a huge hug and case of new cool colored paints! create!!! M xoxo
Malinda writes: May 12, 2017 11:20 am I have a friend w/an autistic son - he and a friend of his (also autistic) get strep a lot also. She said their doctor thinks there is a connection...hope Dax is feeling better, she's a real cutie :) Happy Friday!
Nan writes: May 12, 2017 11:20 am Perhaps the video in which Eric Trump stated Russia funds the family's golf courses should start circulating once again??
Kitty writes: May 12, 2017 11:20 am "Mr. Trump said on Friday morning that no one should expect his White House to give completely accurate information." .. NYT.. WTF!! The implosion has started... Happy Mother's day.. it may be bittersweet, hold onto the sweet because there so much more of that then the bitter, also you're Moms watching you!.. PEACE
Galen writes: May 12, 2017 11:20 am The haters just don't get it. It's not about Hillary or dems losing the election. It's about HIM. Let's say that McCain was elected President. While I wouldn't have been happy about it, I'd never say he was UNFIT for the office. Trump=UNFIT. He never expected to win...and now that he has, he's finding out that it's haaaard. Waaaah. exactly
Crissy :) writes: May 12, 2017 11:19 am Hey Ro!! :) Does your tattoo on the back of your neck symbolize anything?? yes

the day i won the 300 million dollar law suit from G&J -

Donna writes: May 12, 2017 11:19 am Unbelievable!!! Trump tweeted this morning what amounts to "you better keep your mouth shut Comey". How can this just not end things now for Trump. When will our country be put back together and feel sane again? He is the SWAMP we need to drain!!! i wish someone would pull all the threats he made to me - sending someone to "take my wife" etc

i would love a list of all the times he has threatened me via twitter

over the years
janson writes: May 12, 2017 11:18 am Nick Alegio or whatever--"rosie is uh really good with words" lololol #yellow words like - "why is a man in his 30's - not able to support himself - or my teenage daughter he secretly married after taking her out of rehab - what kind of man throws his teenage wife out time after time - what pathetic morally corrupt person ruins a teenagers life in the way you have? u have no decency or compassion nick - she has a hole in her brain - u ask me for 9 thousand dollars - lie about divorcing her - lie to the press - and then get PAID again to lie as she sat next to u - in a meek voice - unable to look up. you are the most vile man - to take advantage of her" those were the words that confused him
Mooey writes: May 12, 2017 11:09 am Who's next in line for POTUS? You incorrectly answered "hatch - believe it or not" You are wrong. The line of succession goes from Vice-President to Speaker of the House. That makes Rep. Ryan next in line after Pence. not if pence and ryan are both complicit

then hatch

u r wrong
Risa writes: May 12, 2017 11:08 am I'm a Utahn and the thought of Orrin Hatch being president scares the sh!t out of me. and him i bet
Elisa writes: May 12, 2017 11:08 am It was the summer of my 8th grade year during the Watergate hearings, and I remember lying on the shag rug in front of the tv watching John Dean sweat. This will be the summer of my daughter's 8th grade year. What will they call them? The Russia hearings? Obstruction of justice, witness intimidation - let's get this party started! yes indeed
hang on
its already begun
Linda writes: May 12, 2017 12:38 am Chump will be impeached along with Pence. Who's next in line for POTUS? That kiss ass Paul Ryan. Isn't that who the GOP wanted all along? Welcome to America, land of illusion and delusion. hatch
believe it or not
sue writes: May 12, 2017 12:03 am That hammerhead freaked me out. To think you guys used to swim off the boat. What did Vivi and Blake say? whooaaaaa
sue writes: May 12, 2017 12:03 am Is Blake old enough to captain the boat with you onboard? yes
Jeff writes: May 12, 2017 12:02 am Looking at Trumps tweet of your call to fire comey makes me sick. If you'd be willing to delete that tweet I'd make a $250 dollar donation to a mental health charity of your choice on behalf of Donald Trump. You can message me at [email protected] if interested thanks! well why does it upset u

after the e mail thing - i expected him to be fired - that was a fuck up -
it served trump
so trump kept him

and then dumped him
cause he knows they r close


trump just admitted it to lester holt

he is really in a bad place