Archive for January 2013

a baby born

i have a new baby
she smells delicious
cooing and blinking
welcome to the world

life has on occasion so much joy
babies anchor me
to souls here and gone
2 connection

which is how we cure lonely
humans need each other
plugged in and present

michelle is glowing
a first time mom
she has fallen in big love
pure grace in motion

life unfolds
revealing itself
over and again
ebb and flow

the only constant
i remind myself
when doubt sprouts

i am 50
woman grown
mother actor
public private


children arrive
parents depart
while u r on display
fame – muse as prey

i don’t know jodie foster
we have a few mutual friends
from what i have heard
she is kind smart and shy

i have admired her from afar
cheered her on as she soared the show biz skies
braver smarter prettier better – but still
i saw parts of myself in her

on we go – each of us
toward unknown tomorrows
thankful for the shared humanity
that moves us all forward

oh – p.s.

SHAMELESS is back on
everybody rejoice !!
frank is home
i have the tingles